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Students Highlight Change on Maryland's Eastern Shore

Social studies students at Crisfield High School were inspired by Museum on Main Street's Water/Ways exhibition to find out how the fishing and agriculture industries have caused changes on the Chesapeake Bay on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Guided by Casey Goldsborough from Crisfield Heritage Foundation and their teacher Brandon Austin, students started their research in February 2019 during Black History Month to understand the evolution of the community.

Although the economic effects from the changing seafood industry are more immediately apparent, students documented how impacts, both good and bad, have reached into all aspects of life in the area. Watch the digital stories below in which students interview residents about everything from what it's like to immigrate to a small town from Mexico to ways that the Civil Rights era unfolded in Crisfield.

School Segregation and Integration
Infrastructure Changes
Watermen Community
Spiritual Community
Hispanic-American Community
African American Communities

These stories were produced as part of Stories: YES which is funded through a Smithsonian Youth Access Grant. Water/Ways will open at the J. Miller Tawes Museum in Crisfield on December 7, 2019.

#WaterWays #ThinkWater #StoriesYES

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