Now Researching

We’re glad that you’re interested in submitting a story. Visiting this page is your first step!
The Stories from Main Street project is listening to you. We want to collect stories from the American people that help to inform us of interesting and insightful attributes of small-town life. The Stories from Main Street curatorial team is constantly identifying new research topics related to Museum on Main Street’s future and existing exhibitions. We will use the best stories in future exhibitions, feature stories on this website, and in special educational projects that we develop with states and towns hosting Museum on Main Street exhibitions.
All stories submitted on the website must connect to a current research topic or question. Submissions that are off-topic will not be considered.
Remember to bookmark this page or follow Museum on Main Street on Facebook or Twitter to learn about our latest research topics. New topics will become available every few weeks.
Get thinking about your favorite stories! We want to hear from you.
Current Research Campaigns
Water is an essential part of life for every person. But it's much more than just an environmental and health resource. Much of our culture revolves around water -- from recreation to spirituality to cultural traditions. It's safe to say that every American has a water story. So, what's yours? We would like to hear from you. Tell us your water story. And, hear many others on the first season of the Smithsonian's Stories from Main Street podcast.
Deadline: September 30, 2024
Thanks for visiting Hometown Teams: How Sports Shape America! We hope that the QR code in the exhibition brought you here to share your thoughts on the exhibition's Story Stops. Or, if you happened to find us while researching hometown sports, we would love to hear from you too.
We are now using our updated website to collect your stories, rather than our smartphone app. Record your favorite hometown sports stories and then upload them to Stories from Main Street by clicking on the "Share Your Story" button. We look forward to hearing from you.
Use: We will feature selected stories on the Museum on Main Street website.
Deadline: January 3, 2021
Our exhibition Crossroads: Change in Rural America traces how small towns and rural areas changed over the past 150 years. Rural Americans have many great stories to share. We want to hear from you. Live in a rural area or small town? What's your journey story? How did you come to live in the rural community you call home today? Has your family lived there for generations? Or, have you moved for new opportunities or other reasons? What have you learned from living in your community?
Use: We will feature selected stories on our website, future podcast episodes, and in social media
Deadline: December 30, 2024
Our exhibition Voices and Votes: Democracy in America traces how Americans participate in the nation's government. What does democracy mean to you? What do you think are your civic responsibilities as an American? What issues motivate people to be active in your community? What was your most memorable voting experience? Rural Americans have many great stories to share. We want to hear from you.
Use: We will feature selected stories on our website, future podcast episodes, and in social media
Deadline: December 30, 2027