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Smithsonian's Stories from Main Street Podcast

MoMS is excited to bring you its Smithsonian's Stories from Main Street podcast! Inspired by all of the amazing stories that rural Americans across the country have shared with the Stories from Main Street program since its start in 2011, MoMS is delighted to present this podcast that shines a light on the culture of rural communities. Each episode features rural Americans and their amazing towns, and their connections to themes inspired by Museum on Main Street exhibitions.

Everybody has a story to tell. The Smithsonian’s Stories from Main Street podcast shares the authentic voices and stories of people from small towns and rural communities across the United States. Gathered by MoMS and its partners, venues, and youth project participants in towns all over, the stories featured in these curated episodes are raw, and real, and provide a unique window into the ever-changing, multi-faceted and diverse nature of America. Listen in and hear the patterns and connections in the stories — there may be differences across the miles, but there are probably a lot of similarities, too.

Your host for this journey is Hannah Hethmon, an expert podcast producer and host of her own podcast Museums in Strange Places, who helps us curate this remarkable look at the experiences of rural Americans..

Be part of the Smithsonian's Stories from Main Street audience. Join us today on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts!