Current Exhibitions: Now Showing!
Rural America changed dramatically during the 20th century. Crossroads explores how people responded to change and sets the stage for people everywhere to engage in thinking about the future of our rural communities.
Spark! Places of Innovation
Invention can happen anywhere and it’s happening right now in small towns across America. Rural Americans are creating new products, taking risks, meeting challenges together, and seizing upon exciting opportunities that change local life and sometimes reach far beyond.
Starter Kit: WORK
Work is an important part of American life and integral to every town's history. Explore this unique exhibition project that combines local history with Smithsonian expertise.
Voices and Votes
American democracy asks for action, reaction, vision, and revision as we continue to question how to form “a more perfect union.” Everyone in every community is part of this ever-evolving story – the story of democracy in America.
Water / Ways
Water is an essential component of life on our planet. This exhibition explores the role water plays in human society and culture and the importance of protecting this critical resource.
Future Exhibitions: Coming Soon
Starter Kit: FOOD (Coming in 2022)
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