Students Collaborate with new DeKalb County History Center in Illinois
Students in DeKalb County, Illinois have teamed up with DeKalb County History Center to contribute their insights to the conversation around how the area is changing and making videos for Museum on Main Street's Stories: YES initiative. Since January, students have been conducting interviews with farmers, peers and others to explore the future of agriculture. The program is a true county-wide effort involving a number of people, schools, nonprofits and businesses to produce stories.
The History Center is opening a new facility which welcomes innovative collaborations across all members of the community, young and old. MoMS exhibition Crossroads: Change in Rural America is an opportunity to celebrate this. Executive Director Michelle Donahoe explains, “This is a student-led initiative that will be part of the Smithsonian exhibit, but we will continue to offer programs like this as an opportunity for students to be a part of the history center’s local exhibits.”
Check out the stories!
From Sycamore High School
Generational Farming
Wind and Solar Farming
Dairy Farming
Organic Farming
From Southeast Elementary School
DeKalb County Community Gardens
Jonamac Apple Orchard
This is a Stories: YES project which is made possible with internal Smithsonian funds through the Youth Access Grants Program.
#StoriesYES #RuralCrossroads