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Decades of Service in Weirton, West Virginia

As told by Goldie Baly
Weirton, West Virginia

Story Narrative:

"My name is Goldie Almason Baly, and I'm 90 years old. I've lived in Weirton, West Virginia, since I was 10 months old, and I've lived through the Prohibition Era, through the Great Depression, and World War II.

At age 21, I worked at the War Ration Board on Main Street, Weirton, while my husband served in the U.S. Navy, and that was a great experience. I also served in the Red Cross Motor Corps as a volunteer on the home front. I've loved this community and the way the people all pulled together to serve our country. It was such love and loyalty that one has never experienced. And, of course, we were also grateful that we were victorious in World War II. We hope that our community continues to thrive, although we have lost most of our steel mills here in Weirton."

Asset ID: 7458
Tags: #WorldWarII #history #war #TheWayWeWorked #Work

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