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Ice Cream Saturdays in Ardmore, Tennessee

Ardmore, Tennessee

Story Narrative:

"My favorite memory of living in a small town is actually spending time with my grandparents. They lived in Ardmore, Tennessee. And, it was always our sort of tradition that on Saturday afternoons, my grandfather and I, after he'd finished working on the farm, we'd go to local L & S Supermarket, and he would push the buggie and I would get at all the things that we needed that my grandmother had given us for the list. Unbeknownst to her for many years, we would stop by Jones Drug Store, and go up to the soda fountain and get double scoops of ice cream. And, my grandmother always wondered when we came home on Saturday, number one why it took us so long to get so many things, and why we were never really as hungry at supper as we were at lunch.

And, I think I was 10 or 12 years old when I finally confessed to her that we were eating scoops of ice cream of getting milkshakes every Saturday, and it really had nothing to do with her cooking for the Saturday night meal. So, that's one of my favorite memories of growing up in a small town."

Asset ID #7424

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