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Fish And Hush Puppies, Orange Park, Florida

Orange Park, Florida

Story Narrative:

"Food is very important in the south. I learned how to cook from my grandparents. I remember watching my grandfather cook over what I seemed to think was a giant bunsen burner frying fish and hush puppies. I was always waiting for my turn to do it. I always loved fishing trip fries and grits, hush puppies. Learned how to cook chocolate peanut butter pie from my great-grandmother. It was a restaurant called The Sister's Restaurant, which were a collection of ladies that had ... It was just basically a little sandwich shop.

They had all kinds of old-timey recipes, and custards and pies and things. It's not open anymore. I don't even know if those little old ladies are still around. More than just food has been passed on. We went to a crafts fair today and it was all kinds of crocheting and woodworking. I grew up in Orange Park, Florida, which is a suburb of Jacksonville, Florida. It's just neat to see the ... How diverse the community has become and how many different types of food there are now as opposed to when I was a kid. When we would go to that, it was all just barbecue and fried food and now there's all kinds of different ethnic food. It's a beautiful thing."

Asset ID #7499

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