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Working in a Machine Shop, New Hampshire

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Story Narrative:

Talk about your first job.

Speaker 1: Do you remember your first job? And what was that?

Speaker 2: My first job was probably picking apples in an apple orchard. But those are jobs you get when you're 14 15 years old. But my first job, real job, as soon as I turned 18 I started working in a machine shop. I still work there today. I've been there 40 years. I started at the bottom, and I still work with my hands. I'm not in management, and I enjoy what I do. And it's something that doesn't happen very often these days anymore. I'm loyal to my job. I haven't had a sick day in, I bet you, ten years. I do use all my vacation. But it works two ways, you know, we help keep the company in business. We actually make things. We're not a service industry. We make aircraft parts. We make submarine parts. And you get a good pride in seeing parts that you actually make that make planes fly, something that doesn't happen in America as much as it should anymore.

Asset ID: 7211
Tags: #jobs #work #TheWayWeWorked

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